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Our Bookshop Transatlantic Migration and the Politics of the Picturesque in Washington Irvings Sketch Book Symbiosis 9.2 135-58 Image 1 of Transatlantic Migration and the Politics of the Picturesque in Washington Irvings Sketch Book Symbiosis 9.2 135-58 £6.99 Author: M J Pethers Add To Cart Author: M J Pethers Author: M J Pethers You Might Also Like "Ships in Motion": Crossing the Black and Green Atlantics in Joseph O'Connor's Star of the Sea'. Symbiosis 12.1 £6.99 Robert Lowell, Life Studies, and the Father Poetry of Michael Hofmann Symbiosis 5.2 173-89 £6.99 Silence and Solidity in Early Anglo-American Modernism: Nietzsche, the Fourth Dimension, and Ezra Pound Symbiosis 10.1 and 10.2 £6.99 Henry J. Coke’s Ride over the Rocky Mountains: A Journey from Leatherstocking to Lear £6.99 Self-Reliance: Individualism in Emerson and Coleridge £6.99