'Liberal Platonism and Transcendentalism: Shaftesbury, Schleiermacher, Emerson.' Symbiosis, 1.1 (April 1997) 1—20


Author: Robert D Richardson Jr
22 pages

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Author: Robert D Richardson Jr
22 pages

Author: Robert D Richardson Jr
22 pages

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Liberal Platonism and Transcendentalism: Shaftesbury, Schleiermacher, Emerson by Robert D. Richardson Jr. is a comprehensive scholarly essay that explores the connections between Liberal Platonism and American Transcendentalism. Originally published in Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, this micro-ebook traces the intellectual lineage from classical and Renaissance Platonists to the influential figures of Shaftesbury, Schleiermacher, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Richardson delves into how these thinkers synthesized Platonic, Christian, and Stoic ideas, influencing the development of Transcendentalism and shaping the broader tradition of liberal religious thought. This essay is essential for students, scholars, and enthusiasts of philosophical and religious studies, particularly those interested in the intersection of Platonism and Transcendentalism.

This essay, by a renowned scholar of the American Renaissance, was first published in Symbiosis: a Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations.
It was chosen as the opening essay of the first issue of that ground-breaking journal of transatlantic studies.


Robert D Richardson is the prize winning biographer of Emerson and Thoreau.

Shared Impressions: Thomas Hardy, Henry James and the Future of Picturing Symbiosis 11.1 31-58
The Early American Reception of Izaak Walton's 'The Compleat Angler'
Transatlantic influences in periodical editing: from Francis Jeffrey’s Edinburgh Review to Horace Greeley’s New-York Tribune Symbiosis 9.1 45-64
'Contracted to an eye-quiet world': Sonic Census or Poetics of Place in Alice Oswald. Symbiosis 10.2 (October 2007) 167-185
Adieu to all: The Dying Indian at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century Symbiosis 2.1 39-55

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