Looking Good: Neutralizing the Desiring (Black Male) Gaze in Alice Walker's Meridian


Symbiosis 13.2
Author: Guy Mark Foster
Pages: 31

'Looking Good: Neutralizing the Desiring (Black Male) Gaze in Alice Walker’s Meridian' by Guy Mark Foster, offers a critical analysis of Alice Walker’s novel Meridian. Originally published in Symbiosis: a Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, this essay delves into the dynamics of the male gaze, gender roles, and racial politics within the context of Walker's narrative. Foster examines how the novel subverts traditional gender expectations and addresses complex issues of identity and power. This scholarly work is essential for readers interested in literary criticism, gender studies, and African American literature.

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Symbiosis 13.2
Author: Guy Mark Foster
Pages: 31

'Looking Good: Neutralizing the Desiring (Black Male) Gaze in Alice Walker’s Meridian' by Guy Mark Foster, offers a critical analysis of Alice Walker’s novel Meridian. Originally published in Symbiosis: a Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, this essay delves into the dynamics of the male gaze, gender roles, and racial politics within the context of Walker's narrative. Foster examines how the novel subverts traditional gender expectations and addresses complex issues of identity and power. This scholarly work is essential for readers interested in literary criticism, gender studies, and African American literature.

Symbiosis 13.2
Author: Guy Mark Foster
Pages: 31

'Looking Good: Neutralizing the Desiring (Black Male) Gaze in Alice Walker’s Meridian' by Guy Mark Foster, offers a critical analysis of Alice Walker’s novel Meridian. Originally published in Symbiosis: a Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, this essay delves into the dynamics of the male gaze, gender roles, and racial politics within the context of Walker's narrative. Foster examines how the novel subverts traditional gender expectations and addresses complex issues of identity and power. This scholarly work is essential for readers interested in literary criticism, gender studies, and African American literature.

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Essay Excerpt

"I have no doubt that urban ghetto life and economic deprivation are necessary factors contributing to an explanation of the Afro-American problems of gender and family relations. But they cannot be sufficient. Something else must be at play. Something that runs deep into the peculiarities of the Afro-Americans’ own past. In search for it, we are inevitably led back to the centuries-long holocaust of slavery and what was its most devastating impact: the ethnocidal assault on gender roles, especially those of father and husband, leaving deep scars in the relations between Afro-American men and women."

"They Grow American": Irish Modernist and Postmodernist Poets from the 1930s to the 1970s Symbiosis 3.2 54-62.
Written and Spoken Words and Worlds: John Eliot's Algonquian Translations
Refusing to R.I.P.; or, Return of the Dispossessed: The Transatlantic Revivals of Irving's Rip Van Winkle Symbiosis 10.1 3-19
Ideal Homes: James, Rossetti and Swedenborg's House of Life
(Out of) Time in America: Louis MacNeice 1930-43 Symbiosis 1.1 115-134

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