Adieu to all: The Dying Indian at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century Symbiosis 2.1 39-55


Author: Astrid Wind
Pages: 21

This essay examines the portrayal of Native Americans in British and American literature at the turn of the eighteenth century. Astrid Wind explores how the image of the American Indian evolved from the "noble savage" to a doomed race, reflecting the colonial and political aspirations of the time. The essay delves into the literary, philosophical, and political contexts that shaped this transformation, highlighting the role of writers like Philip Freneau and Thomas Campbell.

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Author: Astrid Wind
Pages: 21

This essay examines the portrayal of Native Americans in British and American literature at the turn of the eighteenth century. Astrid Wind explores how the image of the American Indian evolved from the "noble savage" to a doomed race, reflecting the colonial and political aspirations of the time. The essay delves into the literary, philosophical, and political contexts that shaped this transformation, highlighting the role of writers like Philip Freneau and Thomas Campbell.

Author: Astrid Wind
Pages: 21

This essay examines the portrayal of Native Americans in British and American literature at the turn of the eighteenth century. Astrid Wind explores how the image of the American Indian evolved from the "noble savage" to a doomed race, reflecting the colonial and political aspirations of the time. The essay delves into the literary, philosophical, and political contexts that shaped this transformation, highlighting the role of writers like Philip Freneau and Thomas Campbell.

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Essay Excerpt

"The image of the Indian as a noble savage was undermined by his involvement in the War for Independence."

Imperial Pasts and Dark Futurities: Freneau and Brackenridge's "The Rising Glory of America" Symbiosis 6.1 27-43
Haunted by Arthur: Masculinity, Trauma and Myth in Malcolm Walkers "The Stone Crown"
"Where Knock is Open Wide": Christopher Smart's Transatlantic Crossings, 1950-1986 Symbiosis 12.1
Solidarity Through Difference: Rushdie's Anti-Example in The Jaguar Smile
My Dreams are of a Field Afar or Sonnets From the English: Silvina Ocampo's Relationship to British Poetry

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