Lifted to genius? Wordsworth in Emerson's Nurture and Nature Symbiosis 2.1 125-40


Author: Joel Pace

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Author: Joel Pace

Author: Joel Pace

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Transatlantic Class: Martin Amis and the "Special Relationship" of the 1980s
My Dreams are of a Field Afar or Sonnets From the English: Silvina Ocampo's Relationship to British Poetry
From Loss to Gain: Aftermath in the Late-Romantic Poetry of Emily Dickinson Symbiosis 10.1 93-114
Thinking Small Across the Atlantic: Ian McEwan's "Saturday" and Jay McInerney's "The Good Life" Symbiosis 11.2
Haunted by Arthur: Masculinity, Trauma and Myth in Malcolm Walkers "The Stone Crown"

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