'Fearing Nothing so Much as Reconstituted Antiquity': Hawthorne Revisited in Henry James's The American Scene


Author: Fabio L. Vericat

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Author: Fabio L. Vericat

Author: Fabio L. Vericat

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‘Fearing Nothing so Much as Reconstituted Antiquity’: Hawthorne Revisited in Henry James’s The American Scene by Fabio L. Vericat is a profound scholarly analysis exploring the intricate relationship between Nathaniel Hawthorne's romanticism and Henry James's realism. This essay, originally published in Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, delves into James's critical examination of Hawthorne's works and their reflection of American identity and literary style. Vericat scrutinises how James's expatriate perspective influenced his critique, providing a nuanced discussion on literary mimesis, national identity, and the interplay between realism and romance. This essay is an essential read for literature students, scholars, and enthusiasts interested in American literary criticism and the evolution of narrative techniques.

'Was it proper to watch him at a distance?': Spectatorship, Sympathy and Atlantic Migration in Edgar Huntly Symbiosis 10.2 133-146
Redeeming Captivity: the Negative Revolution of Blake's Visions of the Daughters of Albion Symbiosis 1.1 21-34
Transporting Elizabeth's Piano: Literature and the Piano in the Early American Republic
Conradian Echoes in Vietnam War Literature: Tim O'Brien's Rewriting of Heart of Darkness in "Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong" Symbiosis 11.1 3-30
Preserv[ing] the Freshness of the System: Itineraries of the Body in Alexander Bain's Rhetoric of Travel

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