'Was it proper to watch him at a distance?': Spectatorship, Sympathy and Atlantic Migration in Edgar Huntly Symbiosis 10.2 133-146


Author: Ashley Hales

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Author: Ashley Hales

Author: Ashley Hales

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‘Was it proper to watch him at a distance?’: Spectatorship, Sympathy, and Atlantic Migration in Edgar Huntly by Ashley Hales is a thought-provoking scholarly essay that examines the themes of spectatorship and sympathy in Charles Brockden Brown's novel Edgar Huntly. Originally published in Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, this micro-ebook explores how the concepts of spectatorship and sympathy are intertwined with the experiences of Atlantic migration and the formation of American identity. Hales provides a detailed analysis of how Brown's narrative reflects the complex interactions between European immigrants and American society in the late 18th century. This essay is essential for literature students, scholars, and anyone interested in early American literature, migration studies, and transatlantic literary relations.

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