Dion Boucicault, the "Political Shaughraun": Transatlantic Irishness and an International Theatre Symbiosis 10.2 147-166


Author: Sarah Meer

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Author: Sarah Meer

Author: Sarah Meer

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Dion Boucicault, the ‘Political Shaughraun’: Transatlantic Irishness and an International Theatre by Sarah Meer is a compelling scholarly essay that delves into the career of Dion Boucicault, a prominent 19th-century playwright and actor-manager known for his transatlantic theatrical contributions. Originally published in Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, this micro-ebook explores Boucicault's role in shaping Irish drama, his navigation of international theatre circuits, and his complex portrayals of national identity through plays like The Colleen Bawn, Arrah-na-Pogue, and The Shaughraun. Meer examines Boucicault’s ability to blend nationalistic themes with a global perspective, highlighting his influence on both American and British theatrical traditions. This essay is essential for literature students, scholars, and enthusiasts of theatre history, Irish studies, and transatlantic cultural exchanges.

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