Adorno: a Critical Guide


Author: Jennifer Rich
ISBN 9781847603548
82 Pages

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Author: Jennifer Rich
ISBN 9781847603548
82 Pages

Author: Jennifer Rich
ISBN 9781847603548
82 Pages

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A critical guide to Adorno's books on Aesthetic Theory, The Culture Industry, Negative Dialectics and Philosophy of New Music. With sections on the Critique of Enlightenment, Anti-Semitism, The Consolations of Philosophy, Art as a Form of Freedom, Arnold Schoenberg, Theory and Practice, and Adorno and the Student Movement provide students with clear and understandable introductions to his ideas about philosophy, music and social criticism. It is intended as an invaluable resource for those studying this philosopher and a stimulus to further exploration.


Jennifer A. Rich was an Associate Professor in the Department of Writing Studies and Composition at Hofstra University. She offered courses in the rhetoric of feminism, the history of rhetoric, Women’s Studies and composition. She published widely in the area of writing studies, rhetoric, critical theory, Shakespeare, and women’s studies. She was the author of Critical Theory: an Introduction and Modern Feminist Theory in our Humanities Insights Series.

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